Pleasure Bay

Beach info
Pleasure Bay is Boston\’s most unique kite spot. With offshore winds in a protected lagoon, this flat water spot is a mecca for the elite of the Boston kite scene. In season, spectators pack the jetty and shoreline to watch kiters tear up the butter flat water and boost huge air in the famed \”TD Zone\”. With it\’s close proximity to downtown and available public transit, Pleasure Bay has been on the forefront of the Boston kitesurfing explosion.
Launch information
Launch is from the southwest corner of the lagoon. If launching outside, mind the sharp rocks that line the waters edge, and many sharp oyster shells are in the water is wading in to use foils. If launching into the lagoon,  be mindful you are launching in a windshadow with offshore winds.
During the Summer season, the only restriction is no kiting, winging, or windsurfing while the sailing center is functioning.  The sailing center functions between 10am-3pm Mon-Thurs and 10am-1pm on Fridays.  All other times are OK as long as we stay away from the swim areas and bathers.
Local rules
Protect our unique kite spot. Follow the rules and be safe: don\’t risk injuring yourself or anyone else. Before your first session at PB, spend one windy day at the beach just watching and talking to people. Please read and obey: 1.) During the season, no kiting while sailboats are in the lagoon! No exceptions. Kiting, winging and windsurfing is permitted outside the lagoon, however, the area is crowded with moored boats and requires some skill to get clear into the bay. 2.) Kiters must be able to stay upwind and know right-of-way. 3.) Give right-of-way to beach goers 4.) Stay away from the sailing club. Do not land your kite in that area 5.) Please do not kite here in any directions except SW, S, and SE, especially if it is Summer and the beach is crowded.  Foiling in East winds can be acceptable due to the fact foilers tend to be able to stay way upwind and out of the swim zones.
6.) DO NOT walk your with your kite in the air from the outside to the inside lagoon.
7.) Kiters & wingers, please leave the TD zone in a timely manner.
Unpredictable winds. Offshore launch. Beach goers. Some rocks in the launch area. The launch at PB is unique and better suited for intermediate and advaced kiters. Kiters launch on the south side of the lagoon by the parking lot in a directly offshore wind (safe only because PB is an enclosed lagoon). The launch is often crowded at peak season with both kiters and beach goers, and the winds are often gusty and unpredictable due to the parking lot and nearby trees. Always help another launch or land before attempting to get a launch for yourself. Lagoon launches are often hot launches, as the launch is in the wind shadow (use your center lines).
Free parking in the lot at the south end of lagoon, or along the street.
High tide conditions
Extreme high tides can cause the water to go up the stairs and cause the beach to disappear. No place to launch.
Low tide conditions
Plenty of beach!
Nearby bars/restaurants
LOCAL – great beer, awesome food, kiter friendly! Corner of O st and E. 8th st.
Forecast: Wind Statistics: